Topping Twins

Topping Twins

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Roll with it

So the benefit of working from home is that you have the ability to be super flexible. Well thank goodness for that! Monday-- as I was talking to Nick on my way to drop of K at daycare, Kaylee came down with the flu. What a mess!

Let me just tell you, when I shop for a carseat next time, I will definitely be checking out the ease of cleaning! Taking that carseat apart was a disaster, but nonetheless, I did it. I can say that our "temporary" living situation really got to me while taking care of a sick baby. With Nick in Newport, and me stuck in this tiny apartment with Kaylee, I literally felt like I was going to be swallowed by the flu bug myself.

But, after lots of Vitamin C, OJ, Lysol and washing every piece of bedding, I think I'm in the clear! Thank goodness that I have such an amazing boss too! Her understanding for having a sick baby at home is beyond words for me. Before, I would have NEVER been able to literally just turn the car around and cancel my meetings for the day without hestitation. For this, I am TRULY THANKFUL! EVERY parent should have a boss like mine!

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